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Level 1, 185 Faraday Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia

MEDIA RELEASE – AMF to Lead Feasibility Study into the Establishment of a Culturally Appropriate AOD Residential Rehabilitation Centre in Melbourne’s North

MEDIA RELEASE – AMF to Lead Feasibility Study into the Establishment of a Culturally Appropriate AOD Residential Rehabilitation Centre in Melbourne’s North

Thursday, 24 November 2022

The Australian Multicultural Foundation welcomes the recent announcement of a $250,000 funding commitment by the Victorian Government, to combat the rise in drug and alcohol addictions in communities within Melbourne’s north. The AMF will use the funds to lead a feasibility study which will inform the structure and model of care of a culturally appropriate AOD residential rehabilitation centre in Melbourne’s northern suburbs.

AMF Executive Director Dr Hass Dellal AO thanked the Victorian government for their support. ‘I would like to thank the Premier Dan Andrews for the announcement and the Victorian government for their support for this important initiative. The establishment of a culturally appropriate residential rehabilitation centre would be a Victorian first, and the model could be adopted nationally’.

The feasibility study will be led by the AMF, working with its community partners through the Northern CSG program, which will include MyCentre and the MYAF (Muslim Youth and Families) program, delivered in partnership with Odyssey House, Salvation Army, SHARC and YSAS. MyCentre Religious Leader Sheikh Abu Hamza stressed the importance of the initiative ‘This is an important first step in establishing a much needed facility, and helping address what is a critical issue in the community. I welcome this announcement’. MYAF and MySupport Medical Centre Manager Ulukele Masiyane added ‘The need for a culturally appropriate AOD residential rehabilitation centre has been identified by both, the Muslim community and by mainstream AOD services. We look forward to working with the Australian Multicultural Foundation to bring this project to life’.


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