Professor Kwong Lee Dow AO (Chairman)
Archbishop Christopher Prowse
The Hon. James (Jim) Short
Mr Don Smarrelli OAM
Ms Lynn Cain
Dr B. (Hass) Dellal AO
Ms Katrina Scaramella
Mrs Brigit Murikumthara
Remzi Unal (Program Manager, Northern Community Support Group)
Durre Shahwar (Case Manager, Northern Community Support Group)
The Hon. Scott Morrison MP
The Hon. Tony Abbott
Major General Peter Maurice Arnison AC CVO
The Hon. Kim Beazley AC
The Hon. Simon Crean
Mr Ivan A. Deveson AO
The Hon. Alexander Downer
Sir Llewellyn Edwards AC
The Hon. Julia Gillard
Ms Gaye Rosemary Hart AM
Dr J. R. Hewson AM
Ms Vivien Suit-Cheng Hope
The Hon. John Howard AC
The Hon. Paul Keating
Mr Robert Brooker Maher AM
Ms Wendy Elizabeth McCarthy AO
Mrs Irene Kwong Moss AO
The Hon. Kevin Rudd
The Hon. Bill Shorten MP
Lady Stephen
The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull
Ms Ross Tzannes AM
Mr George Wojak AO MBE