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7th Diversity Matters Forum – Istanbul, Turkey

7th Diversity Matters Forum – Istanbul, Turkey

The Australian Multicultural Foundation in partnership with Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul hosted the 7th Diversity Matters Forum on 11-14 May, 2014. This Forum built on the success of previous forums held in Brisbane (2001), London (2003), Kolkata (2005), Johannesburg (2007), Kuala Lumpur (2008) and Singapore (2010).

Click here for the Forum report

The theme of the Diversity Matters Forum 2014, “Preserving Culture and Heritage Through Generations” aimed to explore the importance of maintaining cultural heritage as central to protecting a sense of who we are; a meaningful reference in our culturally diverse world. The topics discussed during the Forum included:

  • Preserving culture and heritage through generations.
  • The importance of preserving heritage, tradition and race.
  • How do you preserve heritage, tradition and culture in culturally diverse societies.
  • Preservation of culture and heritage through education.
  • How do the arts strengthen cultural values.
  • Protecting culture and heritage.
  • The role of the media in preserving culture and heritage.
  • Preservation of cultural heritage in immigrant countries.
  • The role of civil society in preserving heritage and culture.

The Forum offered delegates and participants the opportunity to input their thinking on a range of topics and interact, network, and engage with those at the forefront of emerging issues on cultural heritage. It also strengthened working relationships with researchers, policy makers, and practitioners from many countries.

Click here for the Forum program

Australian Multicultural Foundation Mimar Sinan Uni