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Level 1, 185 Faraday Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia

Australian Voices – United Through Diversity

Australian Voices – United Through Diversity


A Round Table Discussion, co-hosted by Australian Multicultural Foundation and Manning Clarke House, was held in November 2002 to assist in mapping the key issues, priorities and requirements for a harmonious and culturally diverse Australian society.  

The outcomes formed an agenda for a series of state based activities that were conducted throughout Australia.   These activities aimed to engage a broad cross section of the Australian community, such as youth, business, ethnic and community groups and the general public.

The state activities occurred throughout 2004, with one during Harmony Week.   Outcomes, further discussion and recommendations then took place during a dedicated session of the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia’s (FECCA) National Conference in late 2004.

A Working Group was established and comprised the Australian Multicultural Foundation, Manning Clark House, Renaissance Earth Foundation (REF), Victoria University and FECCA.


The program provided an opportunity to achieve a number of objectives in relation to promoting the diversity of cultures within Australia and the contributions made by all peoples i.e.:

  • Encourage greater awareness, education and engagement in the key issues and priorities for a culturally diverse and harmonious society
  • Explore our common values and what each culture contributes to our shared future
  • Provide a platform for people of all ages, roles and backgrounds to contribute their aspirations and visions for an empowered and vibrant multicultural society
  • Celebrate and honour the richness and diversity of our cultural heritage through creative expression.