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Level 1, 185 Faraday Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia

Barriers affecting refugee and ethnic minority young people



Barriers affecting refugee and ethnic minority young people

A research project examining a number of service dimensions relating to ‘street-present’ refugee and ethnic minority young people commenced in June 2002. A joint venture between the Australian Multicultural Foundation and the Centre for Multicultural Youth Issues, the project was funded by the Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development.

The project aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of post-compulsory education, employment and training services for this target group.

It also aimed to identify the factors inhibiting their access to and utilisation of education, training and employment services.

Ultimately the project aimed to propose new models and pathways through post-compulsory education, employment and to develop an effective training system for the target group.

The project’s research consisted of a series of in-depth interviews drawn from target groups in Oakleigh, Cheltenham, Broadmeadows and Maribyrnong.