The Community Policing Partnership Project Report was launched on Friday 25th March 2011 by Chief Commissioner Simon Overland, Victoria Police.
Download a copy of the report here
The Community Policing Partnership Project was an initiative between the Australian Human Rights Commission, the Australian Multicultural Foundation, Australian police services, and the community.
Under the Community Policing Partnership Project, funding was provided by the Australian Government to facilitate partnerships between police services, the community, the Australian Human Rights Commission and the Australian Multicultural Foundation to promote social cohesion and counteract discriminatory views and intolerance towards Muslim Australians. Building trust, establishing local networks and facilitating a stronger sense of social participation, respect and inclusion within communities were all key aims of these partnerships. The program provided funding and strategic support for police and community groups to respond to issues identified and agreed on between them.
The Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security, Griffith University, conducted an independent review of the Community Policing Partnership Program which provides us with the learnings, challenges, limitations and successes. It clearly outlines the benefits of community policing programs such as the Community Policing Partnership Project.