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Congratulations to the graduates of the Muslim Youth Leadership and Peer Mentoring Program

Congratulations to the graduates of the Muslim Youth Leadership and Peer Mentoring Program

In partnership with Islamic Council of Victoria, the Australian Multicultural Foundation delivered the Australian Muslim Leadership and Peer Mentorship training program. The training program was designed to challenge the young people to further their skills in advocating on issues important to their community.

Sixteen young men and women from a vast range of cultural backgrounds open to diversity of thought and aspiring to become positive agents of change were selected to participate in a 4-day training program and workshops to further develop their skills in leadership, working with media, critical thinking, problem solving and conflict resolution, working with community, public speaking and networking. 

Following the workshops, the young leaders began a mentorship component in which they were connected to mentors in their key areas of interest, such as lawyers, people in the corporate sector, politicians, journalists and community leaders. The mentoring component aimed to assist the participants with their career pathways by providing an opportunity for young leaders to gain insight, skills and knowledge that will assist them in working with communities and dealing with complex issues in future. 

The AMF and ICV are delighted that all 16 participants have successfully completed both components of the program. The excellent work and contributions of the participants were acknowledged at a graduation ceremony where Nail Aykan, Executive Director – ICV, and Hass Dellal, Executive Director – AMF, presented the graduates with certificates. We congratulate all graduates and look forward to seeing what these young leaders achieve in the future.