The conference provided an important opportunity for health professionals and policy makers to convene and listen to eminent local and international experts, discuss the latest research and consider the physical and mental health priorities for Australia’s multicultural community.
It has broadened the understanding of the migration experience and the impact on health. The conference themes promoted inclusiveness where difference and diversity are embedded and respected.
The conference provided a new perspective on old issues and information on new challenges of health and well-being for multicultural Australia.
Click here to download the Conference Programme Book (~2.3mB PDF)
Speakers Papers and Powerpoint Presentations
The following speakers’ Papers or Powerpoint Presentations are available by request – please put your request in writing to the Australian Multicultural Foundation by email, [email protected] .
Monday 17 th October 2005
Plenary Session
Professor Rodreck Mupedziswa Acting Deputy Director, University of Zimbabwe, School of Social Work | Paper |
Symposia Session: Public Policy PANEL discussion
Ms Julie Austin Senior Policy Adviser, Carers Australia | Powerpoint Presentation |
Mr Tom Calma Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission | Powerpoint Presentation |
Mr Nathan Smyth Assistant Secretary, Health Priorities & Suicide Prevention Branch, Australian Government | Powerpoint Presentation |
Ms Marilyn Wise Executive Director, Australian Centre for Health Promotion | Powerpoint Presentation |
Symposia Session: Torture Trauma and Refugees
Ms Susan Chou Allender Community and Settlement Services General Manager, AMES | Powerpoint Presentation |
Mr Jorge Aroche Director, Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation for Torture & Trauma Survival | Powerpoint Presentation |
Symposia Session: Education and Training
Ms Judith Miralles Director, Judith Miralles & Associates | Powerpoint Presentation |
Associate Professor Nicholas Procter School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of South Australia | Powerpoint Presentation |
Symposia Session: Language
Ms Barbara Mountjouris Director, Victorian Office of Multicultural Affairs | Paper |
Mr Stefan Romaniw OAM Executive Director, Community Languages Australia | Powerpoint Presentation |
Tuesday 18 th October 2005
Plenary Session
Dr Fiona Wood AM Head of Burns Unit, Royal Perth Hospital Australian of the Year 2005 | Powerpoint Presentation |
Associate Professor Harry Minas Director, Victorian Transcultural Psychiatry Unit | Powerpoint Presentation |
Symposia Session: Health Issues in our Region
Mr Robert Tickner CEO, Australian Red Cross | Paper |
Ms Julia Fraser Director, Leadership and Community Programs, AsiaLinkandDr Chee Ng Psychologist | Powerpoint Presentation |
Symposia Session: Disability and Cultural Diversity
Professor Leslie Swartz Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Stellenbosch, Research Director, Human Science Research Council of South Africa | Powerpoint Presentation |
Symposia Session: Religion
Professor Graham Lindegger University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa | Paper |
Ms Judy Rigby Pastoral Care & Spirituality Services, The Royal Women’s Hospital | Paper |
Symposia Session: Volunteering PANEL discussion
Ms Lynn Cain Training and Project Development Manager, Australian Multicultural Foundation | Powerpoint Presentation |
Mr Nigel Caswell Representing Park Victoria | Paper |
Wednesday 19 th October 2005
Plenary Session
Professor Leslie Swartz Research Director, Human Science Research Council of South Africa | Powerpoint Presentation |
Lady Southey AM | Paper |
Symposia Session: Media/Communication/Arts
Mr Pino Migliorino Managing Director, Cultural Perspectives | Powerpoint Presentation |
Mr David Stanley Director, Convenience Advertising Pty Ltd | Paper |
Symposia Session: Migration and Health from International Perspective
Ms Else Berglund Analyst, Swedish Integration Board | Powerpoint Presentation |
Ms Yvonne Morgan and Ms Lorraine Boucher Consultants, North Peach Tribal Council Canada | Powerpoint Presentation |
Symposia Session: Intergenerational Health PANEL Discussion
Dr Melissa Kang Department of General Practice, University of Sydney | Powerpoint Presentation |
Professor Boyd Swinburn School of Exercise and Nutrition Science, Deakin University | Powerpoint Presentation |
Professor Trang Thomas AM and Dr Heather Hill Department of Psychology and Disability Studies, RMIT University | Powerpoint Presentation |
Symposia Session: Women’s Health
Ms Munira Adam and Ms Jane Howard Women’s Health West | Powerpoint Presentation |
Ms Odette Tewfik Project Coordinator, Family Planning Queensland | Powerpoint Presentation |