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National Dementia Campaigns

National Dementia Campaigns

Memory loss: Disrupting daily life. A national dementia campaign

Memory loss: Disrupting daily life. A national dementia campaign is a project of the Australian Multicultural Foundation (AMF) and was a Dementia Community Support Grant Program funded through the Australian Government, Department of Health and Ageing under the Dementia Initiative, 2009. The AMF in collaboration with SBS radio developed the health campaign to promote awareness of dementia in the following community language groups: African, (English), Amharic, Dari, Persian-Farsi, Somali, Sudanese (Arabic), and Burmese. The campaign involved delivering a series of dementia awareness announcements broadcast through SBS in-language radio programs over two- three month periods.

Click here to view Memory loss: Disrupting daily life campaign

A National Radio Dementia Awareness Program – in Community Languages

“A National Radio Dementia Awareness Program – in Community Languages” is a project of the Australian Multicultural Foundation (AMF) and  a Dementia Community Support Grant Program funded through the Australian Government, Department of Health and Ageing under the Dementia Initiative 2011.  The AMF in collaboration with SBS radio developed the campaign to address some of the key issues and barriers to increasing the level of dementia literacy in culturally and linguistically diverse communities.   The campaign delivered segments over three weeks on SBS national radio programs with a final segment a talkback session with a bilingual general practitioner. The segments were broadcast on four SBS national radio language programs including Hindi, Turkish, Arabic and Amharic.

Click here to view A National Radio Dementia Awareness Program