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Stocktake Research Report: Victoria University & Australian Multicultural Foundation

Stocktake Research Report: Victoria University & Australian Multicultural Foundation

The Stocktake Research Report by Prof. Michele Grossman, Dr Mario Peuker, Dr Debra Smith and Dr Hass Dellal AO presents the findings of a selected program review of national and international programs designed to redress exclusivism, strengthen social cohesion systematic and inclusion, and counter violent extremism. In addition, a systematic literature review of research conducted in 2011-2015 to answer two key questions: 

  1. What factors influence, lead to, or protect against racial, ethnic or religious exclusivism?
  2. How do social cohesion and community resilience address these factors in ways that mitigate socially harmful dimensions of exclusivism such as racism, intolerance and violent extremism? 

The Stocktake Research Report was funded by a grant from the Social Cohesion and Community Resilience Ministerial Taskforce, Department of Premier and Cabinet, State of Victoria. 

View the full report here