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Level 1, 185 Faraday Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia

#todayimet Project

#todayimet Project

#todayimet breaks down barriers of discrimination and promotes shared understanding through photography and storytelling. Through the power of photography, 20 students from diverse backgrounds met as strangers and left as friends.

The initiative is a collaboration between the Australian Multicultural Foundation and Instagram, supported by PROJECT ROCKIT and Melbourne Instagrammer James Morgan.

Australian Multicultural Foundation

The portraits were created when 20 students from 5 Melbourne schools came together to learn more about each other and, building on these insights, took portraits of one another. Each student created their own description for the image they chose to tell their story. Between conversation and photo processing the students also had some fun showcasing their creative and silly sides.

Australian Multicultural Foundation todayimet students group photo

The portraits were displayed at Federation Square as part of Victoria’s Multicultural Festival on Sunday 20th March. The project and exhibition have been promoted on Facebook Australia and global Instagram accounts, reaching more than 140 million people.

Australian Multicultural Foundation Instagram post todayimet
Posted on Harmony Day, 21 March 2016 

We hope these images cause people to reflect and celebrate the cultural diversity of Australia.

Thank you to the students and teachers of Hampton Park Secondary College, Mentone Girl’s Grammar, East Preston Islamic College, Wesley College (Elsternwick Campus) and St Bede’s College for their participation and enthusiasm throughout this project.

Australian Multicultural Foundation todayimet group photo

For more information:

Read James Morgan’s blog for Instagram 
See Facebook AU’s posts about the project 
To view the portraits, see James Morgan’s Instagram account @morgophoto
For more photos from the project, visit James’ website